Posted inEngineering, Machinery & Tooling

Kennametal introduces TopSwiss, MBS Tooling and KCU25B for versatile applications

These products enhance yield, improve component quality, minimize errors, and deliver precise, reliable outputs.

Kennametal Inc. is expanding its turning portfolio with the introduction of three new products: TopSwiss™ Turning Inserts, Micro Boring Solid (MBS) tooling, and KCU25B Turning Inserts. These products are intended to increase yield, help in increasing the quality of the components, reduce the amount of mistakes that may be made by customers and assist customers to get clean outputs or results. These products complement Kennametal’s traditional portfolio of high-performing turning products and seeks to establish the company as a single-source supplier to customers in all parts of the world.

TopSwiss™ Turning Inserts are designed for Swiss-type small parts machining and are engineered for low feed, high depth-of-cut applications in medical, aerospace, defence, general engineering, and transportation. The portfolio features four new carbide grades, one new cermet grade, and seven new geometries. The new Micro Boring Solid (MBS) tooling allows for the machining of even smaller applications with greater versatility and flexibility, promising sharp cutting edges, low cutting forces, and superior chip evacuation.

KCU25B Turning Inserts offer a powerful roughing and medium machining metal cutting solution for aerospace and defence, energy, general engineering, and transportation shops working with steels, stainless steels, cast iron, and high-temp alloys. Ideal for the most common turning, grooving, and cut-off applications, KCU25B inserts also feature Kennametal’s proprietary KENGold PVD coating, delivering multiple layers of protection for better flank and chipping resistance.