The VE Commercial Vehicles business unit Eicher Trucks & Buses announced the launch of its 50,000th factory-built bus from its cutting-edge Baggad Plant in Madhya Pradesh. The milestone vehicle, an Eicher Skyline Pro E electric bus, demonstrates the Baggad factory’s steadfast dedication to serving the rapidly evolving Indian public transportation market.
Vinod Aggarwal, MD & CEO, VECV, stated that VECV has consistently remained ahead of the curve with significant advancements that offer best-in-class products across segments and compliant with all regulatory norms.
In its industrial activities, Eicher has implemented a comprehensive sustainability program that emphasises social, economic, and environmental sustainability. To reach zero waste, Eicher has implemented safe disposal procedures for hazardous products and reduced packaging waste. The Eicher facility uses mini-hydro and solar power for 42 per cent of its operations, demonstrating a proactive attitude to reducing its environmental impact.
Going forward, in addition to its electric vehicle projects, Eicher Trucks and Buses is dedicated to furthering alternative fuel technologies like CNG (Compressed natural gas), LNG (Liquefied natural gas) , and HCNG (hydrogen compressed natural gas).